This report shows that the Tories are breaking yet another manifesto promise – Angela Rayner


Angela Rayner MP, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, commenting on an
Education Policy Institute (EPI) report into school funding that claims
secondary schools could be forced to lose the equivalent of six teachers as a
result of severe funding cuts, said:

“Labour supports fairer funding for our schools, but the
Government’s formula simply moves already inadequate sums of money around
– the overall pot is not being increased.

“Even without the proposed formula, schools are already
seeing both real-terms cuts to their spending and rising costs on top.
Headteachers are being forced to choose between cutting subjects or cutting the
school week.

“Less than two years ago the Tories promised millions of parents
that they would protect the money that is spent per pupil on their children’s
education. This report shows that it is yet another manifesto promise they are

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