John Redwood’s Diary

Incisive and topical campaigns and commentary on today’s issues and tomorrow’s problems

How do we get faster growth?

The government’s aim of getting the UK economy to grow faster than the rest of the G7 is both ambitious and achievable. I will explore in this and later pieces what it will require to bring about. We will need to look at dear energy, difficulties in affording your...Read More »

Reform goes all constitutional

I thought it strange Nigel Farage used his Queen’s Speech slot to call for a referendum on the European Human Rights Treaty.  That makes two referendums Reform now want, one on PR and one on human rights. There is no way a Labour government with such a huge majority will...Read More »

The frustrations with modern parties 3 the myth of nationalisation

Labour think nationalisation is a better answer than free enterprise. They are held back from nationalising more by the cost of it. The last Conservative government gave up on making the case for free enterprise and allowed some business to slip back into public ownership. Theyb too went in for...Read More »

Frustrations with modern parties 2. Legal migration

Many people stayed at home or switched to Reform in protest at the big surge in legal migration. Reform had highlighted the numbers of illegals but like the other parties said little about the far bigger numbers of legal.

People were right in seeing difficulties from allowing so many visas to...Read More »

The frustrations with modern parties. 1 Inflation

Many voters are angry that the U.K. government allowed inflation to hit 11%. That is part of the reason Conservatives lost so many votes as they were meant to be in charge.

The public also saw that Labour did not warn about the coming inflation to suggest any policies that might...Read More »

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