Green Party


Green Party: Air pollution among most urgent global crises of our times

20 October 2017

The Green Party has responded to news that dirty air kills nine million people a year globally [1], warning that with a death toll higher than AIDs, TB and malaria combined [2] air pollution is one of the most urgent global crises of our times.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“Air pollution is fast becoming one of the most urgent global crises of our times. The toll is three times higher than deaths from AIDS, TB and Malaria combined. If we do not take drastic action now millions more will die prematurely.

“Britain is falling woefully behind other countries when it comes to cleaning up our air, with the Government’s plans to tackle the crisis so bad they have been found illegal. This is shameful. We must learn from cities like Paris taking bold measures to cut pollution.

“The Government must publish a new Clean Air Act fit for the 21st century, and urgently move toward making our city centres zero emission. It is also imperative we work with our global neighbours to protect the world’s most vulnerable citizens, who we know will be worst affected by this public health emergency.”




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Green Party: Government must refund Universal Credit helpline bills

18 October 2017

The Green Party has called on the Government to refund all bills racked up by people calling the Universal Credit helpline.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader, made the call in response to news today the Government will scrap the 55p-a-minute charge for calling the line.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“The Government’s Universal Credit phoneline has been little short of fining vulnerable people for seeking help. It is shameful it took this long to make the line free. The Government must refund all bills racked up by the phoneline immediately as a first step towards undoing the damage it has inflicted.”


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Government to ‘imminently’ decide on fracking in North Yorkshire

18 October 2017

*Minister confirms to Caroline Lucas that an application on fracking in Ryedale is currently with the Government

The Government has confirmed that it has received an application for hydraulic fracturing consent for Third Energy’s wellsite in North Yorkshire – and a decision is set to be made imminently.

In a response to Parliamentary Question from Caroline Lucas, a minister in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said that an application for hydraulic fracturing consent for the KM8 wellsite in Ryedale, North Yorkshire, had been received [1]. This is the final consent needed by Third Energy to frack the KM8 well at Kirby Misperton. The company has said it expects to complete the fracturing operation by Christmas.

In response to a second parliamentary question ministers also refused to say whether they would consult parliament or the public ahead of decisions on fracking licenses. [2]

Caroline Lucas, the co-leader of the Green Party, has submitted a further [3] question to establish when the fracking submission was received by the government.

Commenting on the imminent decision by the Government, Caroline Lucas said:

“This imminent decision on fracking in North Yorkshire is a watershed moment. If the Government is serious about tackling climate change and protecting our natural world then they will reject this application and stop the dangerous dash for gas.

“Ministers are keen to brag about their ‘green’ credentials, but their warm words can only be taken seriously if they put a stop to destructive plans to rip up the countryside in pursuit of the fossil fuels that we know will condemn us to climate breakdown.”




[3] To ask the SoS for BEIS, pursuant to PQ 106966 on Fracking: Ryedale when the application was received; when the Secretary of State expects to make a decision; if he will publish his assessments prior to making the decision; and if he will make a statement.

Government to ‘imminently’ decide on fracking in North Yorkshire

*Minister confirms to Caroline Lucas that an application on fracking in Ryedale is currently with the Government

The Government has confirmed that it has received an application for hydraulic fracturing consent for Third Energy’s wellsite in North Yorkshire – and a decision is set to be made imminently.

In a response to Parliamentary Question from Caroline Lucas, a minister in the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said that an application for hydraulic fracturing consent for the KM8 wellsite in Ryedale, North Yorkshire, had been received [1]. This is the final consent needed by Third Energy to frack the KM8 well at Kirby Misperton. The company has said it expects to complete the fracturing operation by Christmas.

In response to a second parliamentary question ministers also refused to say whether they would consult parliament or the public ahead of decisions on fracking licenses. [2]

Caroline Lucas, the co-leader of the Green Party, has submitted a further [3] question to establish when the fracking submission was received by the government.

Commenting on the imminent decision by the Government, Caroline Lucas said:

“This imminent decision on fracking in North Yorkshire is a watershed moment. If the Government is serious about tackling climate change and protecting our natural world then they will reject this application and stop the dangerous dash for gas.

“Ministers are keen to brag about their ‘green’ credentials, but their warm words can only be taken seriously if they put a stop to destructive plans to rip up the countryside in pursuit of the fossil fuels that we know will condemn us to climate breakdown.”


[3] To ask the SoS for BEIS, pursuant to PQ 106966 on Fracking: Ryedale when the application was received; when the Secretary of State expects to make a decision; if he will publish his assessments prior to making the decision; and if he will make a statement.


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Green Party: Time to ditch ‘phantom’ unemployment figures

18 October 2017

* Real rates of ‘worklessness’, underemployment and insecurity being masked, say Greens

* Real jobless rate at least three times higher than Government stat

* Today’s unemployment figures show economic inactivity went up despite rise in employment rate (1)

Today’s unemployment figures distort the real picture of the economy, the Green Party has said.

Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party, said:

“The real rate of worklessness and underemployment is at least three times higher.  The unemployment rate announced today doesn’t cover part-time workers who want full-time jobs, ‘inactive’ workers alienated from the workforce, people of working age who have retired, many students, or those who work in the home.

“No phantom headline statistics will mask the reality for millions of households.  People still feel poor.  Household incomes are stagnating and it is the cost of living that is rising. Over 14% of households have no one in employment and the real rate of joblessness is over 21%.” [2]





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Greens: Rising hate crime inevitable in Divided Britain

17 October 2017

The Green Party has responded to news that hate crime offences recorded by police has gone up but 28% since the EU referendum [1].

Amelia Womack, deputy leader of the Green Party, said:

“Rising hate crime is synonymous with the Divided Britain those in power have created. A toxic EU referendum campaign followed by dogged commitment from the Government to create a hostile environment for migrants and refugees have pitted communities and people against one another. Hate crime is the inevitable fallout.”

At Green Party conference last week Womack called for misogyny to be made a hate crime after surviving an abusive relationship [2].

Womack said:

““These statistics would be even more stark if they showed the abuse and violence against women. From groping to harassment, rape to online abuse, we know women are often targeted because they are women. The Government needs to admit we have a problem with misogyny and commit to eradicating it by making misogyny a hate crime.”

After news prosecutions for hate crimes are down 6.2% [3], Womack said:

“The Government also needs to ask serious questions about why, in spite of rising reports, prosecutions for hate crimes are falling. Tougher sentences are welcome but meaningless if people do not even face prosecution.”




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