Press release: Sajid Javid announces details of review of local government finance governance and processes


Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid, has today (11 April 2018) announced details of an independent review of the processes and procedures that underpin the Ministry’s governance of the business rates system.

The review will be led by former Director General for Public Services at Her Majesty’s Treasury, Andrew Hudson. Andrew has also previously held the position of chief executive of the Valuation Office Agency, as well as having worked in local government and has significant experience of working at the interface of policy and operations.

Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Sajid Javid, said:

As we move towards local government retaining 75% of locally collected business rates, it is vital that the business rates retention system operates as smoothly as possible. This review, led by an independent expert in this field, will ensure robust processes across the board.

Published today on GOV.UK:

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