Civil news: work with the Process Efficiency Team


News story

Improving processes at the Legal Aid Agency can be something that providers of legal aid can all have a hand in developing through our consultative group.

People exchanges ideas in a workshop

The Process Efficiency Team (PET) is a small group made up of legal aid providers, representative bodies, and subject matter experts from across the Legal Aid Agency (LAA).

This group was established in 2019 with the aims of:

  • developing a partnership approach between the LAA and providers
  • providing representative bodies with a forum to raise operational process and communications issues on behalf of their members
  • providing a collaborative space for the LAA and representative bodies to work through any operational process or communications issues
  • provide a forum for the LAA to consult representative bodies on any external facing business improvement activity and seek their input

PET was initially focused on family work but has recently widened its scope to include housing, legal help, very high cost family work, and Court of Protection work.

The format of PET has also recently changed so that the group meet once every two months with a focused workshop in between. The subject matter of the focused workshop is decided by PET.

How is it different to the Civil Contract Consultative Group (CCCG)?

PET focuses on improvements to operational processes based on existing policy. All members understand that it is not the right forum to suggest changes to policy and are keen to influence operational processes that can be changed.

How can I get involved?

We want to ensure PET is as representative as possible and would like to encourage as diverse a membership from across the legal sector as possible.

Improvements to a process, without committing to join PET, can also be suggested via the email below.

If you would like to get involved please email:

Published 20 April 2021

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