Lords betray the common people

Today, an amendment in the House of Lords calling for the UK to continue in a customs union with the EU passed by a majority of 123 votes. The vote, tabled by crossbencher Lord Kerr was backed by several senior Tories, as well as Labour and the Lib...Read More »

Only 32% of Welsh people support the expansion of the National Assembly for Wales

A poll conducted in March revealed that only 32% of Welsh people support the proposed expansion of the National Assembly for Wales.

In light of these findings, UKIP Wales Leader Neil Hamilton has called for a referendum, while Gareth Bennett AM characterised the ongoing Assembly-backed public consultation on expansion as, “a...Read More »

UKIP Leader visits Rochdale to join Parents Against Grooming march

UKIP Leader Gerard Batten is in Rochdale today to support the Parents Against Grooming group in their march through the town.

UKIP is fielding three candidates in Rochdale and they will be highlighting the Labour-controlled council’s failure to deal with systematic child abuse in areas under their authority.

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UKIP Leader says no to British military intervention in Syria

Gerard Batten opposes British military action in Syria. The UKIP Leader warned that intervention would lead to a proxy war with Russia which would be, “not only dangerous to Britain, but the entire world.”

Today, Prime Minister Theresa May called for a special Cabinet meeting to approve UK military action in Syria, in the...Read More »

Railway investment plans are on the wrong track

UKIP transport spokesman Jill Seymour has accused the Government of ‘selling out’ British companies after inviting more overseas firms to bid for the running of UK rail franchises.

The Government has granted bidding rights to a trio of continental train companies from countries where foreign operators are frozen out.

The latest to...Read More »

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