Secretary for Justice continues visit in Beijing

     The Secretary for Justice, Ms Teresa Cheng, SC, continued her visit in Beijing today (April 28). 
      Ms Cheng met with Minister of Justice, Mr Fu Zhenghua and Vice Minister of Justice, Mr Xiong Xuanguo this morning and exchanged views on topics including enhancing co-operation between the legal sectors of the two places. They also discussed the opportunities brought forward by the development of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area, as well as Hong Kong’s strengths as an international law and dispute resolution services centre.
      She also took the opportunity to meet with representatives of the arbitration sector in the Mainland, including members of the Beijing Arbitration Commission and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, to strengthen co-operations and exchanges of legal and arbitration services between Hong Kong and the Mainland.
      Ms Cheng will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (April 29).