Latest update during the COVID-19 health emergency


Latest update from Bailie Fraser Macpherson (West End) and Councillor Craig Duncan (Broughty Ferry) during the COVID-19 health emergency :

As residents will be aware, stay at home advice has become law, just as it was in the lockdown last year. This means it will only be permissible to leave home for an essential purpose. This will include caring responsibilities, essential shopping, exercise, maintaining a shared parenting arrangement and being part of an extended household. Unlike the lockdown last year, the frequency of outdoor exercise is not being limited.

A maximum of two people from up to two households will be able to meet outdoors. Children aged 11 and under will not be counted in that limit, and they will also be able to play outdoors in larger groups, including in organized gatherings. However, for everyone else – including 12 to 17 year olds – outdoor exercise should only take place in a way which is consistent with the 2 people from 2 households rule.

Anyone who is able to work from home, must do so. It will only be a reasonable excuse to leave your home to go to work, if that work cannot be done from home. 

You cannot leave your home except for an essential purpose. When you do go out, stay as close to home as possible and stay away from crowded places. And it remains the case that no-one is allowed to travel into or out of Scotland or between council areas in Scotland unless it is for an essential purpose.


You can access local information on the spread of the virus in your area by selecting Dundee City then choose from the menu in local neighbourhoods.

Places of worship will close until 1st February for all purposes except broadcasting a service, or conducting a funeral or wedding. While up to 20 people will still be able to attend funeral services, wakes will not be possible during January … and a maximum of 5 people will be able to attend wedding and civil partnership services. This is different advice from England so we contacted the Scottish Government to ask if this would change to bring it in line across the UK. The Scottish Government said it had considered is extensively before the decision so would be unlikely to change.

The school closure period will be extended until the end of January with most school pupils learning remotely – rather than in school. This will be reviewed on 18th January. The change will apply to all pupils – except vulnerable children, and children of key workers. And it includes nursery schools, as well as primary and secondary schools. The fortnightly review will not simply be a choice between opening and closing schools – but may see a gradual or staggered return with nurseries and primary schools returning earlier than secondary schools.


Updated guidance for the safe running of organised activities for children and young people during lockdown.

The Government already had plans in place for the staggered return of universities and colleges. There is likely to be more information on this soon.

In total, over the period to the end of January – including the more than 100,000 already administered – the government expect to have access to just over 900,000 doses of vaccine. These will be split roughly equally between the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccines.

Current expectation, based on assumptions about supply and the new advice on doses being administered up to 12 weeks apart, rather than 3, is that by early May everyone over 50, and people under 50 with specific underlying conditions, will have received at least the first dose of the vaccine. That is everyone who is on the JCVI priority list, and comprises more than 2.5 million people.

Once everyone on the priority list has been vaccinated, the Scottish Government will start vaccinating the rest of the population, and will do this in parallel with completing second doses for those on the priority list.

Information on the vaccination programme including on the dose interval increase:

This is the vaccination priority list:

This is the vaccine update statistics:

Over 80s are starting to receive the covid vaccine.

We received many complaints this week about slippy pavements and roads due to ice. We have raised every concern with the Roads Maintenance Partnership and are here to assist residents at all times. We thought you would find it helpful to have the Dundee City Council guidance on this.

The number of non-essential services which remain open will be further restricted. Premises which will need to close as a result of these changes will include, for example ski centres, showrooms of larger retailers, and clinics offering cosmetic and aesthetic procedures. Construction and manufacturing remain open.

The current 1 metre exemption for workplace canteens will end – so canteens will have to ensure that employees sit 2 metres or more apart, rather than 1 metre.

Businesses required to close by law are currently able to claim up to £3,000 every four weeks through the Strategic Framework Business Fund. use the link below to apply.

We estimate that the applications for the following additional funds will start to open next week sometime. 

• £19.2 million to provide one-off grants for hospitality businesses
• £50.8 million for businesses with a rateable value of more than £51,000 that have not received support from the Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund or Hotel Support Programme and some additional support to smaller businesses impacted by restrictions
• £11.8 million for international inbound, coach tourism and domestic tour operators
• £7 million for self-catering
• £5 million for visitor attractions
• £2.5 million for outdoor tourism
• £2.3 million for hostels
• £2 million for ski centres
• £1.5 million for travelling show people ineligible for other support
• £1.2 million for Destination Management Organisations
• £1 million for B&Bs and guest houses excluded from the latest Non Domestic Rates scheme 

If you were shielding and you cannot work from home, the clear advice now is that you should not go into work at all. The Chief Medical Officer is writing to everyone who falls into this category, and his letter will count as a Fit Note for those who need it. If you were shielding and not in employment, then you should follow CMO guidance and stay home where possible.

Guidance on adult care home lateral flow testing.

If you have symptoms of the virus check out this link. 


Scottish Government Updates:

Dundee City Council updates:

NHS Tayside website: 

Helpline for those who do not have symptoms but are looking for general health advice Tel: 0800 028 2816.

Health Protection Scotland Guidance – 

Federation of Small Businesses: 

Helpline for small businesses, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. Tel: 0300 303 0660.

Ready Scotland Information – 

Tayside Cares – 

This has been an anxious and uncertain time but we want you to know that we are here to try to help constituents in whatever way that we can.


WEST END WARD – Bailie Fraser Macpherson
Phone – Dundee 459378 (home)

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