Government Logistics Department staff member tests preliminarily positive for COVID-19


     The Government Logistics Department (GLD) today (February 9) said that a ganger has tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19.

     The staff member concerned felt unwell on February 6 and underwent testing for COVID-19 on the following day. He tested preliminarily positive for COVID-19 today (February 9). The staff member concerned works at the Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, and does not have contact with the public in his daily work. He last went to work on January 31. He had worn face masks while performing duties in the office and observed other anti-epidemic measures.

     The GLD has conducted a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the workplace concerned. Staff who had contact with the staff member concerned have already undergone COVID-19 testing according to the guidelines of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health and will work from home while waiting for the results.

     The GLD will continue to strictly implement various anti-epidemic measures. Staff have also been reminded to pay attention to personal hygiene, stay vigilant at all times and seek medical advice immediately if they feel unwell and inform the department accordingly.

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