CE visits Wuhan University and meets students (with photos/videos)


     The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, continued her visit to Wuhan in Hubei Province today (December 1), during which she visited a local carbon emissions exchange centre and met teachers and students in a university.
     In the morning, Mrs Lam, accompanied by Vice Governor of Hubei Province Mr Zhao Haishan, visited the China Hubei Emission Exchange. Established in 2013, the exchange aims at combating climate change, developing a low-carbon economy, propelling the upgrading of industrial structures and promoting innovation in environmental protection mechanisms. Mrs Lam pointed out that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has set out proactive strategies and measures on reducing carbon emissions and is striving to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050, and said that the city can at the same time leverage its status and advantages as an international financial centre to develop green financial products and explore co-operation with Hubei to contribute to the country's strategic goals of peaking carbon dioxide by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2060.
     Mrs Lam then visited Wuhan University, where she met with the university's President, Professor Dou Xiankang, toured the campus and had an exchange session with Hong Kong students in Wuhan. Wuhan University is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education and with about 250 students from Hong Kong. Mrs Lam spoke to some 70 students of Wuhan University to introduce to them the latest situation of Hong Kong. She said that in the past two years, with the support of the Central Authorities, the National Security Law has been enacted and implemented in the HKSAR and the electoral system has been improved, putting Hong Kong back on the right track of "One Country, Two Systems" with the implementation of "patriots administering Hong Kong" and ushering in a new era. She added that Hong Kong must give full play to its advantages, leverage the support of the Central Authorities, proactively boost its economic vibrancy, develop new industries, seize the opportunities brought about by the nation's 14th Five-Year Plan and integrate into the overall development of the country. Mrs Lam also briefed students on various schemes rolled out by the HKSAR Government to attract talents and said Mainland students are welcome to come to Hong Kong to pursue further studies, work, travel and develop careers.
     Mrs Lam also attended a lunch hosted by Wuhan University, marking the end of her visit programme in Wuhan. She expressed her sincere gratitude to the Hubei Provincial Government and the Wuhan Municipal Government for their detailed arrangements and hospitality, noting that they had attached great importance to her trip and carried out a large amount of preparation. Mrs Lam said that during the visit she was deeply impressed by the vitality of Wuhan after it has emerged from the epidemic and the abundant opportunities in the city, and added that, with the support of the Central Authorities, the HKSAR has also overcome unprecedented challenges and has ushered in a bright new era. She expressed the hope that Hong Kong and Hubei would enhance co-operation for mutual benefit and contribute to the development of the country together.
     Mrs Lam will return to Hong Kong via Shenzhen in the evening.

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