Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Sunday 12 and Monday 13 December 2021
Agriculture and fisheries ministers will gather in Brussels to agree on fishing opportunities for 2022 in EU and non-EU waters, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The Council will also seek to adopt conclusions on the new contingency plan for food security, and a policy debate will take place on unfair trading practices in the food supply chain.
Under other business, delegations will discuss topics including the fisheries control regulation, the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund, and the proposed regulation on deforestation-free products.
Foreign Affairs Council, Monday 13 December 2021
The Foreign Affairs Council will exchange views on EU-Africa relations, Central Asia and Venezuela, and be informed about current affairs. It is also due to adopt conclusions on the Civil CSDP Compact.
General Affairs Council, Tuesday 14 December 2021
Enlargement, European Council preparations and Rule of Law will be on the agenda of the General Affairs Council on 14 December.
Eastern Partnership Summit, Wednesday 15 December 2021
The leaders of the EU, EU member states and of the Eastern Partners countries will meet for the sixth Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels. The summit will focus on support to five key areas – economy, governance, the environment, digital and society.
European Council, Thursday 16 December 2021
EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss developments related to COVID-19, crisis management and resilience, energy prices, security and defence, migration and the situation in Belarus.
Environment Council, Monday 20 December 2021
EU environment ministers will hold a policy debate on the progress reached on the proposals of the Fit for 55 package that fall under the remit of the Environment Council and on the proposal for a regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries.
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