East Asia

SCST commences visit to Paris (with photos)


     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, began his visit to Paris, France, yesterday (July 25, Paris time). Starting his visit at the Olympic Village, Mr Yeung met with members of the Hong Kong, China Delegation to learn more about their preparations and visited facilities in the...Read More »

LCSD holds Launching Ceremony of Olympics Focal Site (with photos)


     â€‹The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) held the Launching Ceremony of the Olympics Focal Site at the Secondary Hall of the Kowloon Park Sports Centre today (July 26). The Olympics Focal Site located at designated sports centres in 18 districts will open tomorrow (July 27) for members of the...Read More »

Extension of term of Inspector appointed by Financial Secretary to investigate affairs of Next Digital Limited

     The Government announced today (July 26) the further extension of the appointment of Mr Clement Chan Kam-wing as the Inspector to investigate the affairs of Next Digital Limited (NDL) by six months up to January 27, 2025.
     The Financial Secretary, pursuant to the power conferred...Read More »

Temporary suspension of LCSD's Mobile Library 5 services

     The services provided by Mobile Library 5 have been suspended until further notice for urgent repair works, a Leisure and Cultural Services Department spokesman announced today (July 26).
     The affected service points are Ta Kwu Ling in North District; Hin Keng Estate, Kam Ying Court,...Read More »

Hong Kong Customs combats provision of infringing karaoke songs by party rooms and restaurant in course of business (with photos)


     Hong Kong Customs mounted a territory-wide enforcement operation codenamed "Magpie" between July 2 and 25 to combat illegal activities involving party room and restaurant operators providing infringing karaoke songs to customers in the course of business. 

     During the operation, Customs officers raided 31 party rooms and one restaurant in various districts,...Read More »

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