Whoever becomes the new Conservative Leader must let the people decide our country’s future, through an immediate General Election – Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, responding to Theresa May’s resignation announcement, said:

“The Prime Minister is right to have resigned. She has now accepted
what the country has known for months: she cannot govern, and nor can
her divided and disintegrating party.

“The burning injustices she promised to tackle three years ago are even starker today.

“The Conservative Party has utterly failed the country over Brexit
and is unable to improve people’s lives or deal with their most pressing

“Parliament is deadlocked and the Conservatives offer no solutions to the other major challenges facing our country.

“The last thing the country needs is weeks of more Conservative infighting followed by yet another unelected Prime Minister.

“Whoever becomes the new Conservative Leader must let the people
decide our country’s future, through an immediate General Election.”