We need to pocket the Brexit wins

It is true NHS spending is up by £1200m a week over the last two years, well ahead of £350 m illustration on the side of the Brexit bus as we save on our contributions to the EU.

Its also true we developed and rolled out a new vaccine ahead of the EU approving and importing US vaccines, thanks to the flexibility Brexit provided.

Meanwhile we await more Brexit wins. When will the government abolish VAT on green products like heating controls and insulation which the EU made us tax?

When will they ban industrial trawlers of over 100 metres length to safeguard our fishery and help our domestic  industry?

When will they abolish the Ports Directive and introduce our new Freeport’s?

When will they restore the Merchant Shipping Act struck down by the European Court to help rebuild our merchant fleet?

When will we get a new Agriculture policy which redirects subsidies to stimulating more domestic food production?

There are many more Brexit wins which the government should bring forward. I spoke about these yesterday.