Updated weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Tuesday 16 October 2018
09.00 Meeting with Brexit EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier
12.30 Tripartite social summit (press conference ±15.20)
17.00 Phone call with President of the Eurogroup Mário Centeno

Wednesday 17 October 2018
15.30 European People’s Party Summit (Stanhope Hotel)
17.00 Meeting with Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sánchez
17.45 Meeting with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May

European Council meeting (Art. 50)
19.00 Working dinner

Thursday 18 October 2018
European Council meeting
09:30 Exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament
10:00 Working session

Euro summit
13.00 Working lunch

± 15:30 European Council press conference

16.15 Meeting with Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenković

ASEM summit
19.00 Welcome and official handshake of non-EU heads of delegation
19.25 Opening ceremony and session with the stakeholders
21.00 Gala dinner in presence of H.M. King Philippe of Belgium

Friday 19 October 2018
ASEM summit
09.15 Plenary sessions
12.15 Family photo
12.30 Working lunch
15.05 Closing ceremony
15.30 Press conference

EU-Republic of Korea summit
16.10 Welcome of President Jae-in Moon and leaders’ only meeting
16.25 Plenary session

17.15 Signing ceremony of the Free Trade Agreement with the Republic of Singapore

17.45 EU-ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting