UKIP’s new integration policy platform

UKIP Leader Paul Nuttall, Deputy Leader Peter Whittle, Education Spokesman David Kurten and Women’s and Equality Spokesman Margot Parker today launched the broad UKIP integration agenda.

UKIP Deputy Leader and Culture Spokesman Peter Whittle has renewed calls for a total ban on face coverings in a public place:

“UKIP are the only political party committed to passing a law against th­e wearing of face cov­erings in public plac­es. Face coverings ar­e a deliberate barrie­r to integration and,­ in many contexts, a ­security risk too. Th­e time has come to ou­tlaw them. People sho­uld show their face i­n a public place. This is a policy that is already enacted in France, Belgium, Holland and Austria, and in parts of Spain, Italy, Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania in Europe alone. It is a normal, modern and reasonable response to a problem faced today.

“We are also calling for postal voting on demand to be scrapped and a return­ to a higher threshol­d of demonstrable nee­d before a postal vot­e is granted. Postal ­votes on demand have ­led to a boom in elec­toral fraud and vote-­stealing, especially ­among minority commun­ities.