Britain betrayed by Labour MEPs and their federalist cabal on Brexit vote

In response to the European Parliament’s joint resolution from the main federalist groups UKIP proposed 14 separate amendments to protect British interests, from controlling immigration to protecting Gibraltar’s sovereignty. All of these amendments were voted down today with help from Labour MEPs.

Paul Nuttall MEP and UKIP leader commented: “For once it would have been nice for British MEPs to put aside petty party political differences to ensure Britain’s best interests would be served. Needless to say Labour MEPs just couldn’t play nice and voted against protecting Gibraltar from an ever more antagonistic Spain, controlling EU immigration post-Brexit and even to actively disadvantage Britain by not allowing us to pursue free trade deals.

A sensible deal in the spirit of good neighbourliness

In his second contribution to the European Parliament debate on Brexit today, Nigel Farage said it must must make sense for the EU and UK to come to a sensible accommodation over Brexit 

A solution to prevent Gibraltar being used as a pawn in Brexit talks – give them representation in Westminster

Gibraltar is not a pawn to be used in Brexit talks, and she is not for sale. 

UKIP Leader Paul Nuttall presents a solution to the Gibraltar issue. Let them become part of the UK, and give them representation in Westminster if they wish 

UKIP’s Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs spokesman condemns Spanish incursion into Gibraltar waters

thumbnail_EP_pic_3.jpgJames Carver, UKIP’s Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs spokesman, today condemned the incursion of the Spanish warship the ‘Infanta Cristina’.

“I find it incredible that shortly after the Spanish Foreign Minister has called for calm, the Spanish government order their warship to illegally enter British sovereign territory in an attempt to frighten and bully the people of Gibraltar” stated Mr Carver, continuing that “I am not surprised, however this is the 100th incursion since 2014, and follows a pattern of Spanish contempt for the Law of the Sea and more widely, international agreements that do not suit their narrow, self -serving agenda”.

Carver agreed with Gibraltar Chief Minister Picardo that Spanish pressure on the European Council to make Gibraltar a pawn in the Brexit negotiations was a ‘disgraceful attempt to manipulate the European Council for its own narrow political interests and a clear manifestation of the predictably predatory attitude of Spain towards Gibraltar’.

Farage: We're being given a ransom note!

Watch Nigel Farage’s speech in the European Parliament’s debate on Brexit here: