Greens set for record number of councillors as polls close 

2 May 2024

As polls closed across England in the local elections, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“It has been a wonderful experience to be out on the doorstep listening to voters and understanding why their concerns over the cost of living, cuts to local services and the climate crisis are turning into votes for the Green Party. 

“I want to thank every single voter who has gone to the polls today to vote for a fairer, greener country. 

“Our fantastic volunteers and candidates have been out knocking on doors, listening to voters and responding with a positive vision of what their Green vote would mean. 

“As counting begins, I look forward to another record night for the Green Party. We have increased our councillor numbers at each of the last four elections – and I believe we can do so again. 

“That will lay the firmest of foundations for our General Election campaign when we are going to do everything we can to get at least four Green MPs elected to Parliament. 

“We know that having a Green in the council chamber or in Parliament delivers for people, the community and the planet.” 

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