Press release: Gulf security tops agenda at Chiefs of Defence meeting

Chiefs of Defence for the UK and Oman hosted their counterparts from UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, and Jordan as well as the Gulf Cooperation Council’s Assistant Secretary General Military Affairs today onboard HMS Dragon.

News story: Update: air strikes against Daesh

The RAF are continuing to take the fight to Daesh in Syria.

News story: RAF medics transfer UN hospital in South Sudan to Vietnamese

A team of 30 RAF medics have been deployed to the hospital as part of Operation TRENTON since July 2018, and will now train the Vietnamese unit on how to run a field hospital, before transferring organisation of the hospital over to them and returning to the UK.

The UN field hospital was initially established early in 2017 and has provided medical care to over 1,800 UN military personnel and civilian staff.

British personnel take down a flag as they hand over the hospital to their Vietnamese partners.
British personnel take down a flag as they hand over the hospital to their Vietnamese partners. Crown copyright.

Warrant Officer Naya Heseltine said:

It’s a poignant part of the UN Peacekeeping mission for the UK to handover responsibility of the Role 2 Hospital to the Vietnamese. For us, it has been a momentous occasion and a privilege to have been a part of the first RAF hospital deployment in 27 years.

The UK Engineer Task Force began building a bespoke Level 2 hospital earlier in 2018, of which the Vietnamese Hospital Unit will move into from their temporary tented hospital soon.

The Vietnamese troops who are taking over the running of the field hospital from the UK.
The Vietnamese troops who are taking over the running of the field hospital from the UK.

News story: RAF medics transfer UN hospital in South Sudan to Vietnamese

RAF Medical Services have begun transferring authority of a UN field hospital in South Sudan to a Vietnamese Hospital Unit.

News story: UK troops combat ready for NATO Exercise Trident Juncture

British Army personnel have completed integration training with Danish and Polish allies in preparation for NATO Exercise Trident Juncture 2018 in Norway.