Thorough cleaning arranged for Legal Hub in West Wing of Justice Place

     The Department of Justice (DoJ) has arranged a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the ground floor lobby in the West Wing of Justice Place as well as the common area for law-related organisations (LROs) from the ground floor to the fifth floor of the Legal Hub after a LRO staff member, whose office was in the Legal Hub in the West Wing of Justice Place, tested positive for COVID-19, a spokesman for the DoJ said today (December 1).

     "We learned that the staff member last returned to the office on November 28. Full disinfection work at the office was conducted. Offices of other LROs on the same floor will also be cleaned and disinfected. There are no DoJ offices located on the LRO floors in the Legal Hub in the West Wing of Justice Place," the spokesman added.

     The DoJ has been strictly implementing various disease prevention measures, including measurement of body temperature at all entrances to Justice Place, and requiring wearing of masks. Persons with a fever will not be allowed to enter Justice Place. Meanwhile, the DoJ has also stepped up cleaning and disinfection throughout Justice Place to safeguard the health of all users.