The UK government backs UK fish

I was sent this from the Fishing Minister:

Love Seafood Campaign
The Trade and Cooperation Agreement has set a new relationship with the EU on fisheries. This marks an important step in the right direction. Over the course of the last year we’ve taken our independent seat at the Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, and reached a partnership agreement with Norway, our most important partner on fishing interests and with whom we have responsibility for shared stocks in the North Sea.
As we move forward, we are determined to do all that we can to support our coastal communities. As a nation, we should be eating more of the fish that we catch.
In the coming weeks, Defra and Seafish (the public body that supports the UK seafood industry) will be working together to deliver a UK-wide ‘Love Seafood’ campaign, featuring UK fish and shellfish.
The campaign will focus on increasing domestic consumption of UK seafood. It will promote species including: langoustines, crab, lobster, scallops, oysters, clams, mussels, squid, cuttlefish, turbot, plaice, sole and monkfish.
The campaign will run throughout March, and will feature in national and regional press titles. We see this as a first step, and part of our wider ambition to ensure greater domestic consumption of UK-caught seafood.