Peaceful protests are valid and important, but lasting change will come through genuine democracy, say Green Party

23 August 2021

The Green Party says planned peaceful protests by Extinction Rebellion against the billions poured into fossil fuels [1] are an important part of a democratic society, but that genuine democracy, with a fair electoral system, is needed to deliver lasting change. Greens have also repeated calls for a carbon tax to move funding away from damaging climate wrecking activities towards a green transition.

Zack Polanski, Democracy and Citizen Engagement spokesperson for the Green Party, said:

“Peaceful protests by campaigners against the damage being inflicted on our planet by destructive fossil fuel investments are both valid and important. But real and lasting change must be political.

“We’ve seen what genuine democracy can achieve. In countries with a fair and proportional electoral system, Green politicians have their fair share of seats in government. In Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and now Scotland, Greens can take our policies into government and deliver the green policies that are so urgently needed in this climate emergency [2].   

“Here in the UK, we’ve seen what can be achieved when citizens engage in participatory processes. The first UK-wide citizens’ assembly on climate change saw participants make far bolder recommendations on reaching net zero than those proposed by government [3]. 

“For Greens, the most powerful policy needed right now, to rapidly eliminate fossil fuels from our economies and fund a green transition is a global carbon tax [4]. This is a policy that Greens in government would push for.” 




[2] The achievements of Greens in government in Finland: 

[3] Climate Assembly Executive Summary: 

[4] Green Party response to IPCC report – a call for a global carbon tax: 


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Candidates for Green Party leadership announced

18 August 2021

The Green Party can now confirm the candidates running in the upcoming leadership elections.

Nominations closed on Tuesday at midday with three co leader teams and two individuals putting themselves forward in the race. They are: 

Shahrar Ali

Ashley Gunstock

Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay 

Martin Hemingway and Tina Rothery 

Amelia Womack and Tamsin Omond

Co-leader Jonathan Bartley stood down last monthwhich triggered an election for new leadership. [1]

In line with the party’s constitution, individuals can put themselves forward or two people can stand together in a bid to be co-leaders. 

Members will have the opportunity to vote for their next generation of leadership from 2 September until the ballot closes on 23 September with results set to be announced soon after. 

Acting party leader Sian Berry said: “The Green Party is so proud of its democratic roots and  the election for who leads and represents us is one of the biggest choices our members make. This is a crucial moment for the party with elections that can put more Greens into positions of power on the horizon.

I say to every member that your voice is absolutely essential during this election. New members who join before 27 August can also vote, so if you are thinking of joining us at this huge moment for Green politics around the world, now is the time.”




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Green Party warns government’s pledge to resettle Afghan refugees is “empty PR”

18 August 2021

The Green Party has criticised the government for not doing enough after it promised to resettle up to 20,000 Afghan refugees, with only 5,000 to be welcomed in the first year. [1]

Benali Hamdache, Green Party migration and refugee support spokesperson, said:

“Offering refuge to those fleeing violence and persecution from the Taliban should be a fundamental part of who we are as a country, but unfortunately this is more empty PR from Boris Johnson.

“While Canada is taking in 20,000 refugees immediately, the UK’s insistence that it can only accept 5,000 in the first year will leave thousands of people in extreme danger. Canada and the UK both had soldiers on the ground in Afghanistan. Both were part of the attempts to build a new government. But only one part of the coalition is living up to their responsibilities.

“At the same time, the UK government should be providing local authorities with more funds to be able to support refugee children. The cost of resettlement should be fully borne by the national government, with the money transferred to councils so they can provide the services so desperately needed.

“After 20 years of involvement in Afghanistan, the UK shares responsibility for this crisis. We must act now in order to make people safe and show both Afghans and the rest of the world that we are a leader on human rights and compassion. 

“Instead, these current plans make us out to be a populist island, cutting itself off from the rest of the world and failing to live up to our responsibilities.”





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Hydrogen Strategy Must Not be Cover for Continuing Subsidies to Fossil Fuels

17 August 2021

Government hydrogen strategy ‘not a route to net zero’ says Green Party 

The Green Party has criticised the government’s hydrogen strategy this morning saying subsidies for the creation of ‘dirty hydrogen’ are an outrage.

Blue hydrogen is created primarily from fossil fuels and is included in the government plans. The Greens are clear that only green hydrogen, produced using renewable electricity and with almost no CO2 emissions, would genuinely play a role in reaching net zero. [1]

Green Party Green New Deal spokesperson and Leader of Lewes District Council [2] Zoe Nicholson said: “This is a typical government move to try and make it look as if they are making some kind of positive shift away from fossil fuels, when in fact the reality is nothing of the kind. 

“Creating dirty hydrogen from fossil fuels doesn’t help make any progress towards net zero and instead takes investment away from actual sustainable energy options. 

“It looks like yet again the government is putting the interests of its friends in the gas industry ahead of the environment.”

On the government’s announcement that there will be a decision made on whether to use hydrogen for heating homes by 2026 Nicholson continued:

“The idea that we can wait another five years to look at the energy we use to heat our homes is frankly ludicrous. There needs to be a focus right now on insulating homes and installing heat pumps which would both go a long way in making homes warmer and cheaper to run as well as cutting emissions right now.

“Truly green hydrogen and derived fuels will play an important role in our sustainable future, primarily for transport like HGVs and ships, industry and balancing the electricity supply and demand.”




[2] Lewes District Council is in partnership with private and public sector bodies supporting the creation of a Sussex-wide green hydrogen hub:

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Green Party urges local authorities to take in fair share of child refugees

17 August 2021

In response to the crisis in Afghanistan, the Green Party has written to every local authority in England to urge them to join forces and volunteer to take in more child refugees.

Benali Hamdache, Green Party migration and refugee support spokesperson, has sent letters to the leaders of every council, to remind them of the woeful provision currently provided to child refugees. [1]

It calls on the local authorities to work together in order to take their fair share of children as people flee the Taliban in Afghanistan, as well as those seeking refuge from other parts of the world.

Hamdache said:

“We have all looked on in horror as the Taliban advanced across Afghanistan, leaving millions of people trying to flee violence and persecution.

“Councils in England can make a huge difference to the lives of some of these people. Unfortunately, the provision for child refugees in this country is already woefully inadequate, with young people being left in unsuitable locations, often without the support they need. [2]

“If we want to be able to help those in Afghanistan who deserve a better future, then we need to sort out the crisis already in this country and get local authorities to take their fair share of child refugees.”

In the letter, Hamdache has asked each local authority if they:

  • Are currently supporting the required 0.07% of UASC children as a portion of their child population?
  • Plans to participate in the National Transfer Scheme rota and if so, when are they next expecting to take more UASCs?
  • Will commit to supporting the large numbers of UASCs currently in hotels in Kent and Brighton & Hove waiting for local authorities to offer them a placement?

Hamdache has also urged councils to join the Green Party’s call on the UK government to provide more funds to local authorities to support refugee children.

Hamdache said:

“It’s also time for the government to step up and deliver on the obligations it has to help those around the world who need it. It needs to create specific funding to support councils help those in need.”

Councillor Hannah Clare, Brighton and Hove’s Lead Councillor for Childrens’ Services, said:

“It is clear that the Government’s inability to act and introduce a mandatory rota for local authorities has failed. Many councils across England are simply looking the other way and the Government is allowing them to do so. As councils, we must do better.

“Right now in Brighton and Hove and in Kent there are young people being placed in a hotel by the Home Office waiting for councils to offer them a secure, permanent home. And the refugee crisis we face will only get worse. Councils must act now to provide a place for these vulnerable children.”




A full version of the letter can be seen here


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