Public invited to vote in Taxi Service Commendation Scheme 2021

     The Transport Department (TD) said today (October 22) that the Taxi Service Commendation Scheme 2021 is now open for public voting. Members of the public are welcome to cast their votes online for "Quality Taxi Drivers" through the website at or by scanning the QR code printed on the promotion pamphlets (see Annex) placed in taxi compartments. The voting period will end on December 17.

     The public nomination of this year's Scheme has received an enthusiastic response. Over 1 100 nominations of "Quality Taxi Drivers" were received, among which 70 were shortlisted for public voting. Twenty nominees obtaining the highest combined scores from the public voting and a professional assessment panel will be given "Quality Taxi Driver" awards. The driver obtaining the highest score from the public voting will be given the "Most Popular Taxi Driver" award.

     A "Good Driver, Good Service" award has also been introduced to this year's Scheme to commend taxi drivers providing exceptional services to passengers during the rides. The three taxi service management teams obtaining the highest score from the professional assessment panel will be given "Quality Taxi Service Management Team" awards.

     Public participation is encouraged. After the public voting ends, the assessment panel will evaluate and select the winners of the various awards for taxi-winning drivers and taxi service management teams. It is expected that the award presentation ceremony will be held in the first quarter of next year. Details will be announced in due course.

     The TD and the Committee on Taxi Service Quality jointly launched the Taxi Service Commendation Scheme with an aim of promoting good taxi service and enhancing the image of the taxi industry. The professional assessment panel evaluates the nominated taxi drivers with reference to their driving records, conduct, in-service training records, the commended behaviour and passengers' satisfaction levels in regard to their service. Also, the assessment panel evaluates the taxi service management teams in a series of aspects, including the management on taxi service quality, the application of advanced technology in enhancing the efficiency and quality of taxi service, and their social responsibility.

CHP investigates two additional confirmed cases of COVID-19

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) announced that as of 0.00am, October 22, the CHP was investigating two additional confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), taking the number of cases to 12 314 in Hong Kong so far (comprising 12 313 confirmed cases and one probable case).

     The newly reported cases are imported cases. Both cases involved a mutant strain. The patients comprise two females aged 31 and 43. One of them arrived in Hong Kong from a Group A specified place (high-risk) and the other one arrived from a Group B specified place (medium-risk). Case 12 318 is a close contact of an imported case confirmed previously (case 12 288) and she tested positive at a public hospital where she accompanied case 12 288. Case 12 319 tested positive at the designated quarantine facility (Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre).

     A total of 60 cases have been reported in the past 14 days (October 8 to 21) including a local case with unknown sources, while the rest are imported cases.

     The CHP's epidemiological investigations and relevant contact tracing on the confirmed cases are ongoing. For case details and contact tracing information, please see the Annex or the list of buildings with confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past 14 days and the latest local situation of COVID-19 available on the website "COVID-19 Thematic Website" ( The DH has also been closely monitoring the mutant strains of SARS CoV-2 and has uploaded the relevant information on Variants of Concern (VOCs) and Variants of Interest (VOIs), based on whole genome sequencing results, to the CHP's website ( The data will be updated regularly.

     The spokesman for the CHP stressed, "The global situation of COVID-19 infection remains severe and there is a continuous increase in the number of cases involving mutant strains that carry higher transmissibility, and there are also reports of breakthrough infections in some vaccinated individuals. The CHP strongly urges members of the public to avoid all non-essential travel outside Hong Kong, in particular to specified places with high risk under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Regulation of Cross-boundary Conveyances and Travellers) Regulation (Cap. 599H)."

     The spokesman reminded, "If travel is unavoidable, the CHP highly recommends the public to be fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines before their departure. They should avoid participating in non-essential mass gatherings or events held outside Hong Kong. They should continue to wear a surgical mask and maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene at all times. Parents are also urged to avoid taking unvaccinated children travelling."

     The Government has launched the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. Members of the public are encouraged to get vaccinated. Details of the programme can be found at the designated website ( Generally speaking, COVID-19 vaccination can prevent COVID-19 infection, and if infected, reduce the risk of severe disease and death from COVID-19.

     â€‹The CHP called on members of the public to pay attention to their health condition, seek medical advice early and undergo COVID-19 nucleic acid testing as soon as possible if respiratory symptoms develop. They should also maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene at all times to protect themselves against infection and prevent the spread of the disease in the community. For more related health advice, please refer to the website

Government welcomes passage of Financial Reporting Council (Amendment) Bill 2021

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, welcomed the passage of the Financial Reporting Council (Amendment) Bill 2021 by the Legislative Council today (October 22) which would enhance the regulatory regime of the accounting profession in Hong Kong.

     The amended Ordinance enables the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) to become a full-fledged independent regulatory body for the accounting profession. In the new name of Accounting and Financial Reporting Council under the new regime, the FRC will perform expanded statutory functions, including the issuance of practising certificates to certified public accountants; registration of accounting practice units and Public Interest Entities auditors; and inspection, investigation and discipline work of the accounting profession. The FRC will also oversee the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants' performance in its various statutory professional functions.

     Mr Hui said, "The amended Ordinance brings Hong Kong's regulatory regime of the accounting profession more in line with international developments and with increased coherence and efficiency, hence reinforcing our status as an international financial centre and business hub, and facilitating the long-term development of the profession.

     "According to the legal framework of the amended Ordinance, the Government will prepare the subsidiary legislation to provide for the transitional arrangements of the new regulatory regime. The FRC will also develop guidelines and other administrative documents in relation to its expanded powers. The accounting profession and other stakeholders will be engaged in the process."

     The amended Ordinance will commence operation on a day to be appointed by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury by notice published in the Gazette after the necessary preparatory work has been completed.

Government welcomes passage of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Bill 2021

     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, welcomed the passage of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Bill 2021 by the Legislative Council today (October 22) to provide a solid legal basis for the implementation of the eMPF Platform.
     The amended Ordinance sets out the operating framework and mandatory use of the eMPF Platform, the mechanism to ensure a straight pass-on of cost savings achieved from the streamlined administrative work flow to scheme members, the roles and responsibilities of different parties, as well as miscellaneous amendments such as lowering the statutory cap on out-of-pocket expenses of Default Investment Strategy constituent funds from 0.2 per cent to 0.1 per cent per annum.
     Mr Hui said, "The eMPF Platform will provide a one-stop, paperless, more efficient and user-oriented experience in Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme administration. Being the most important reform initiative since the inception of the MPF System in December 2000, the eMPF Platform will reshape the current decentralised operating landscape and bring about significant cumulative cost savings, in a range of $30 billion to $40 billion in 10 years of the operation, for the benefit of scheme members.
     "The eMPF Platform will also facilitate the implementation of 'full portability', and open up possibilities of new measures and functionalities," Mr Hui added.
     The Government, the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and the eMPF Platform Company Limited are working at full steam to build the eMPF Platform. Its target is to complete the hardware and software development by the end of 2022 at the earliest. The Government will specify, by way of a notice published in the Gazette, the date of the mandatory use of the eMPF Platform by individual trustees and their MPF schemes in an orderly manner starting from 2023. The eMPF Platform will become fully functional in around 2025 when the migration of all trustees and MPF schemes is completed.

Speech by Commissioner of Police at the Force Remembrance Day (with photos)

     Following is the speech delivered by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, at the Force Remembrance Day today (October 22):

     Distinguished guests and colleagues, we are here today to honour all members of the Hong Kong Police Force, both regular and auxiliary, who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the community of Hong Kong. This solemn ceremony is also a fitting tribute to the dedication to duty and fortitude of all members of staff who have served in the Force over the past 177 years.

     Since the founding of the Hong Kong Police Force in 1844, members of the Force have been facing different dangers in the course of our duties. Without fear, we have always put the people of Hong Kong first in our determination to ensure the safety and stability of this city. In doing so, some members of the Force paid the ultimate price, and it is in memory of their sacrifices that we are gathered here in remembrance today.

     Fellow members who lost their lives in the line of duty are forever heroes to us. They laid down their lives to achieve their mission. In a moment of life and death, they abided by their promise to protect the lives and properties of our people. With their dedication and sacrifice, they have written heroic epics that makes all members of the Force proud. Earlier in September this year, Senior Inspector of Police Ms Lam Yuen-yee lost her life during an anti-smuggling operation.  We were deeply saddened by her passing. Yet, her memory will live on in every member of the Force and of the public for her unwavering commitment to her duties and her exploit of giving her life for our city's law and order. As with all other fallen officers, Ms Lam has gone on to glory. The light they have shone on us has continued to lead us in keeping our original aspiration, protecting Hong Kong with the motto of "Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty", curbing resolutely any acts endangering national security and preventing the emergence of domestic terrorism, serving the public at large, and after all, striving for the community’s recognition and trust in the professional services of the Force. By demonstrating our professionalism, we pay tribute to our fallen predecessors!

     In this ceremony, we are also joined by members of the Hong Kong Police Old Comrades Association, the Royal Hong Kong Police Association and former Force members. Like the many who came before them, they represent the finest traditions of service to the community for which the Force is both famed and justifiably proud – traditions, which continue today and are passed on from generation to generation and that make the Hong Kong Police Force one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the world.

     To all of you present here today, may I ask you to remain standing, and following the "Last Post", join me in observing a two-minute silence in memory of all those who have fallen in the line of duty.

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