Syria: Guterres concerned over reported attacks in Idlib, calls for ‘full investigation’

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed deep concern over airstrikes that reportedly targeted a village in northern Idlib last week, killing dozens – including children.

“He calls for a full investigation into the attacks, especially allegations that there was also a second strike targeting first responders, to establish accountability,” said his spokesperson, Stéphane Dujarric, in a statement on Sunday.

Mr. Dujarric noted that the Secretary-General recalled that Idlib is part of the de-escalation agreement reached in Astana, and called on its guarantors “to uphold their commitments.”

“The Secretary-General underscores the precarious plight of the estimated 2.3 million people in Idlib governorate, 60 per cent of whom are civilians displaced by the conflict from other areas, most recently from Eastern Ghouta,” he continued.

Mr. Guterres calls for “an immediate cessation of hostilities and urges all stakeholders to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure,” the statement concluded.