How the world should prepare for the next pandemic

Patrick Vallance writes about the aim to have vaccines and therapeutics available at scale within 100 days. This piece was published in the Financial Times.

Action needed to fix Somerset Levels and Moors’ phosphate level

Natural England has downgraded the environmental condition of the Somerset Levels and Moors Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) due to water quality issues.

UK welcomes CPTPP parties’ invitation to begin negotiations

CPTPP nations have agreed to the UK’s bid to begin the accession process to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Winners of the 2021 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service announced

The highest award given to charitable organisations, the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, will be awarded to 241 organisations across the UK today, as the Minister for Civil Society and Youth hailed volunteers as “the ba…

Industrial action at DVLA: Wednesday 2 June to Saturday 5 June

The scheduled dates for industrial action at DVLA and how it may affect our services.