Riverside Drive – road safety #dundeewestend

A number of residents who live in the Riverside Apartments just west of the roundabout on Riverside Drive at Tesco have expressed concern about the speed of some vehicles outside their homes.

Some have suggested the more appropriate speed limit at their homes would be 30mph, which would involve moving the start of the 30mph zone slightly westwards along the road.    The current 40mph limit here was put in place when there were no residential properties on this part of Riverside Drive.

On their behalf, I raised this with the City Council and the council’s Traffic and Transport Team Leader has responded as follows :

“I think we will need to see what the speeds are on this section of road and I will try and organise a survey to be done. 

History tells us that just changing speed limits doesn’t always change people’s behaviour. 

I will also speak to the police about this as well as they will have to enforce any new limit. A speed survey will be the starting point.”