Press Releases: Acting Secretary Sullivan Travel to Lima, Peru To Participate in the Summit of the Americas

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

April 10, 2018

Acting Secretary of State John J. Sullivan will travel to Lima, Peru from April 11-14, to accompany Vice President Mike Pence at the Eighth Summit of the Americas.

During the Summit, the United States will promote priorities of mutual interest to the region, including supporting democracy; addressing the political and humanitarian crisis and restoring democracy in Venezuela; stemming corruption and transnational crime, and promoting economic prosperity in the Western Hemisphere.

While in Lima, the Acting Secretary Sullivan will meet separately with leaders from Peru, Brazil, Haiti, and Mexico. He will also meet with representatives of the governments of the Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and St. Lucia, as well as with leaders from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

The Acting Secretary will also engage with members of Cuban and Venezuelan independent civil society, regional business leaders, and U.S. Embassy staff.

Other senior State Department officials participating in the Summit of the Americas include U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States Carlos Trujillo, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Manisha Singh, Acting Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Francisco Palmieri, and Senior Official for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Richard Glenn.