Parliamentary votes on Brexit

The decision to leave was effectively taken when Parliament approved the sending of the Article 50 letter.  The Commons approved the legislation by 461 to 89, with most Labour MPs joining the Conservatives and DUP to vote it through in accordance with their Manifesto.

When it came to vote on the important Clause 1 of the EU Withdrawal Bill, the clause which repeals the 1972 European Communities Act to confirm our exit in UK law, the Commons passed this clause by 318-68, with most Labour MPs abstaining.

Last night the Commons approved the EU Withdrawal Bill on Third reading by 324 votes to 295. Most Labour MPs joined the SNP and Lib Dems in opposing, which was interesting  given their Manifesto position of backing Brexit. 4 Labour MPs  voted for the Bill, and 8 abstained from the vote. Some or all of these were abstentions on principle as I saw the MPs there.  There were three Conservative abstentions I think  for reasons other than opposition to the Bill and no Conservative votes against the Bill.

The SNP and the Lib Dems have consistently opposed the main  measures to put through Brexit.