Getting things done – Pennycook Lane #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who highlighted to me this 30mph sign on Pennycook Lane which has been essentially made redundant as the area is now all part of the new 20mph zone that covers the Perth Road district shopping centre, Magdalen Green, Perth Road Lanes and surrounding streets.

I highlighted this to the City Council and the sign has since been removed.

Update from Lifelong Learning Dundee


Getting things done – Perth Road #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the member of West End Community Council who pointed out to me last week the rather pointless sign to Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Perth Road.

As he correctly pointed out “… with the scaffolding up around the Art Bar, the footpath there is basically inaccessible for folk in wheelchairs/using prams, and must be a hazard for visually impaired people too. 

As this sign is basically useless (it points directly at the very visible DJCAD), could it be seen if the sign can be removed? Even without the scaffolding there this sign causes undue obstruction to the pavement.”

I completely agreed with this point, contacted the City Council requesting its removal, and this was very promptly done.

Botanic Garden latest newsletter #dundeewestend

The University of Dundee Botanic Garden publishes an excellent newsletter and you can access the latest one here.

Getting things done – Eton Street #dundeewestend

I am grateful to residents who contacted me about a bad pothole in Eton Street.

I reported this to the City Council’s Roads Maintenance Partnership and this has now been repaired along with two smaller potholes.