OGCIO releases locations, functions and equipment list of smart lampposts

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) today (July 19) released a list of the locations, functions and equipment of the 50 smart lampposts which have been installed so far. The aim is to enable the public to have an objective and better understanding of the functions and applications of the lampposts. Information on lamppost locations and activated functions will be uploaded as open data to the Public Sector Information Portal (data.gov.hk) within next week.
     These 50 lampposts are now in place on Sheung Yuet Road in Kowloon Bay and Shing Kai Road in Kai Tak and in the Kwun Tong city centre.
     An OGCIO spokesman said that information on any new batch of smart lampposts to be installed or functions to be added to the lampposts in future will also be released to the public with the same level of transparency.