Official seeks connection with tech giant on social media

A Chinese official has used an unlikely networking method to get in contact with Lei Jun, CEO of China’s tech giant Xiaomi, posting a notice on social media seeking business cooperation with the company.

Ji Xiang, vice mayor of Ma’anshan in Anhui Province, has come under the spotlight after his handwritten notice seeking contact with a tech mogul posted on his WeChat friends’ circle went viral.

“If anyone in my ‘omnipotent’ friends’ circle can reach Lei Jun, please introduce us as the city wants to work with him on a project,” wrote the 47-year-old official.

Within 10 minutes, said Ji, 10 friends offered to help, out of his circle of over 5,000 friends, ranging from senior government leaders to blue-collar workers, on the social media platform.

“We are now communicating with senior executives in Xiaomi Inc. via a WeChat group to discuss potential cooperation,” he said. Ji claimed social media had greatly boosted work efficiency and helped consolidate resources within a large circle of “friends.”

The vice mayor publishes an average of up to 70 posts a day, including his updates as well as shared news and articles.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has told officials to heed public opinion using the internet and has encouraged them to make greater use of the internet to learn about the concerns and wishes of the people.