Nobody fooled by Sturgeon anymore

30 May 2017


Please see below a response from Ruth to the launch of the SNP manifesto.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said:

“Nicola Sturgeon tried her usual trick today of trying to ignore independence in her speech, but making sure she’s pushing for it in her manifesto. Nobody is fooled anymore.

“Strip away the bluster and it’s written down in black and white –  she wants to drag Scotland back to another referendum by as early as next Autumn.

“That would cost jobs, risk our economy, and distract us all from the real job in hand – improving our schools and public services.

“This was a tired manifesto launch by a First Minister who has failed in this campaign to give people a single, positive reason for voting for her party.

“Nicola Sturgeon mentioned ‘the Tories’ over twenty times in her speech as she knows it is a two horse race between our two parties in seats right across the country.

“Next week, we can all send her a clear message that we have had enough by voting Scottish Conservative – to say no to a second referendum, so we can all move on.”