News story: Reappointment of a Commissioner of the Law Commission

The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice today announced the reappointment of Mr Nicholas Paines QC as Commissioner of the Law Commission for a period of five years from 18 November 2018 to 17 November 2023.

The Commission was created by the Law Commission Act 1965 with the role of keeping under review the law of England and Wales with a view to its systematic development and reform. Commissioners, including the Chairman, are appointed by the Lord Chancellor. The Law Commission’s role is to promote the reform of the law to make it clearer, more modern and more accessible. The Commission’s projects bring real benefits to the public, businesses or other organisations affected by old, complex and out-of-date law.

Mr Paines was appointed as Law Commissioner with responsibility for public law on 18 November 2013. Mr Paines has also taken on overall responsibility for the Law Commission’s work in relation to the law in Wales. He was formerly a leading silk in EU and public law and sits as a Deputy High Court Judge in the Administrative Court and as a Deputy Tribunal Judge. He is also a member of the Bar of Northern Ireland.

This reappointment has been made in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments.

Public appointments to the Law Commission are made by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, and are regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

He has declared no political activity.