Manufacturer of engineering products and components fined after worker was injured

Nichol McKay Limited, manufacturer of engineering products and components, has been fined after a profile shed supervisor was struck by a bucket and its contents.


Ayr Sheriff Court heard that, on 4 May 2017, a profile shed supervisor attended the automatic shot blaster to assist a colleague loading a number of components, weighing approximately 60kg each, into a suspended basket. There was no safety catch on the hooks used to hold the load to prevent it becoming detached. Having loaded a number of plates into one such basket, the basket (and its contents) fell from its attachment, striking the supervisor on the head and rendering him unconscious.

During an investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) a Notice of Contravention and an Improvement Notice were served which required a review of the company’s management of lifting operations. The notice was complied with when the company confirmed a new lifting operations procedure and safe system of work.


Nichol McKay Limited, Prestwick Airport, Monkton, Prestwick pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. act 1974 and was fined £12,000.


Speaking after the hearing HSE inspector Aileen Jardine said: “This incident could easily have been avoided by simply carrying out correct control measures and safe working practices.


“Companies should be aware that HSE will not hesitate to take appropriate enforcement action against those that fall below the required standard.”


Notes to Editors:

  1. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. We prevent work-related death, injury and ill health through regulatory actions that range from influencing behaviours across whole industry sectors through to targeted interventions on individual businesses. These activities are supported by globally recognised scientific expertise.
  2. More about the legislation referred to in this case can be found at:
  3. HSE news releases are available at

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