Man executed for killing two young women, raping corpse

Chen Quansong [Shanghai Daily]

China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) announced on Saturday that a criminal convicted intentional homicide had been executed after the SPC approved the death sentence.

According to a SPC statement, Chen Quansong killed two young women surnamed Wang and Xian on January 3, 2014 in Shiqian County, southwest China’s Guizhou Province after a disagreement. Chen then raped Wang’s corpse and covered the two bodies with tree branches.

In the review of the death sentence handed down to Chen by the local court, the SPC formed a collegial panel to review files, interrogate Chen, meet Chen’s lawyers and verify evidence, including DNA test results.

The SPC held that the death penalty was given on the basis of clear facts and solid evidence. Chen committed intentional homicide with serious consequence and vile social effect.

To punish serious crimes according to law and safeguard social justice and fairness, the SPC approved the death sentence, according to the SPC statement.

The Intermediate People’s Court of Tongren City in Guizhou Province executed Chen on Saturday.