Information and advice if looking for work

If you’re looking for a job, there is a wide range of advice on nidirect. From training programmes to careers guidance, including tips on writing your CV, you’ll find useful practical information to help. 

Develop your skills

Whether you’re a school leaver or someone looking to return to work, developing your skills can help you to gain confidence and the skills you need to get the job you want.

From further education colleges and universities, to improving your essential skills like maths and computing, there are lots of courses and programmes available. Visit the following page  to find out more:

Careers advice

If you’ve just left school or university, or maybe you’ve decided to change jobs, getting some careers advice can help you take that next step into employment.

Visit your local Jobs and Benefits office

Advisors at your local Jobs and Benefits office can give you lots of help and support if you are looking for work. They can:

  • help you to develop the skills and competence to become employable, if you are not ‘job-ready’
  • match you to suitable job opportunities
  • administer Universal Credit, Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support and Incapacity Benefit in Jobs and Benefits Offices

You can find your local job centre at this link:

Applying for jobs

Job hunting can be nerve-racking, but there are things you can do to get prepared:

  • get your CV sorted and keep it up to date
  • speak to the Careers Service or your local job centre
  • read our advice on job application forms and interviews

You can find links below:

You’ll find more information on finding and applying for jobs on the following pages:

More useful links