Improved e-filing for designs in Romania

December 23, 2019 General

Improved e-filing for designs in Romania

The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM) in Romania has now fully implemented the upgrade of its front office IT system, improving the e-filing for designs.

The OSIM’s digital platform, developed in cooperation with the EUIPO’s European Cooperation programme, helps filing design applications in a simple and efficient way.

The new e-filing service for designs allows users to submit design views in a digital format rather than on paper, which significantly simplifies the administrative processes and increases efficiency within OSIM.

The new service is able to process standardised, multiple and divisional design applications. It also provides user guidance through the sections, previous design applications as a template to import data, and improved fees details.

The EUIPO and its stakeholders are currently collaborating on five major European Cooperation Projects. The projects aim to benefit users across the EU by providing modern, state-of-the-art tools and services for intellectual property offices.