Housing and Regeneration Minister visits Wrexham homelessness project

The Wrexham Community Care Hub, based at the Salvation Army Centre brings together a number of services including GP services, mental health, substance misuse services, housing and homelessness services under one roof. 

Rebecca Evans said:

“It was good to see the team’s approach of ‘everyone in the room,’ with open access services meeting a range of needs in one place. 

“The team is focused on meeting the immediate needs of people who are homeless, and doing so in a friendly environment which builds trust between the agencies involved and the people receiving the services. Providing these services from the same location means they can operate more efficiently and cost-effectively too.”

Dr Karen Sankey, Clinical Lead at the Hub, said:

“The success of the model is based on the fact that all service providers attending the Hub share a desire to make a difference and support these people who are often living in crisis. We provide a safe, non-threatening and friendly space where individuals can get access to the most appropriate support for them in a timely fashion, in addition to being a place where positive relationships are formed.” 

Rebecca Evans said:

“We want to see more joined-up services being delivered by housing, health, employment and support services, focused on the needs of homeless people and people who are sleeping rough in order to help them move to suitable accommodation.

“Anyone who is concerned about someone they see sleeping rough can use the Streetlink app to inform local authorities and outreach services who can then offer help.”