Greens are achieving for their communities and people want more, say co-leaders at Mid Suffolk launch

5 April 2023

Speaking at the launch of their local election campaign in Stowmarket, the co-leaders of the Green Party said hundreds of communities were poised to elect Greens to represent them at every level of local government.

Co-leader Carla Denyer said:

“In towns and cities and villages all across the country, Greens are gaining the trust and confidence of voters. Why? Because they want something different from the status quo. They want – and we hear this again and again – people that are really listening, not taking their support for granted and going about business as usual.”

The launch was held in Mid Suffolk because the Green Party is on track to become the largest party on the council. Co-leader Adrian Ramsay, who hopes to become the next MP for Waveney Valley, said:

“Here in Mid Suffolk we are on track to make history and become the largest party on the council – an incredible feat and a credit to the fantastic councillors already working hard for the people that live here, and the candidates who will join them next month. This shift is also a credit to the residents of this county – who have asked for something different and had their request answered.”

“Greens are winning in all kinds of communities. What we’re hearing in our neighbourhoods, is that regardless of where people live or what they look like, they share our values. They’ve seen what Greens in their communities are achieving and they want more.”

The Green Party used the launch of their local election campaign to announce their Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price charter to address the housing crisis and ensure green spaces are protected.

Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Our Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter will simultaneously protect valuable green space for communities, reduce climate emissions, tackle fuel poverty and provide genuinely affordable housing.”

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