Global Britain’s new independent poll

The IQR poll for Global Britain asked people for their preferences on leaving the EU. 43% want to leave with no deal, or leave to trade on WTO terms, 31% would like  a Canada plus trade deal, 11% want to stay in the EEA, 10% want a second referendum and just 4% support the Chequers proposals.   It just goes to show the people remain more sensible than many of the MPs. It has usually been the case in the UK that only  a small proportion  of the public are keen supporters of the complete EU project, and this is borne out by these figures. The 10% for a second referendum is similar to the Lib Dem vote in the last General Election when they were the only UK wide  party offering this choice.

The only poll that matters remains the referendum, when the public were invited to make the decision knowing that leaving the EU meant leaving the single market and customs union.