Gateway to College

From Dundee and Angus College :

This course offers an opportunity to gain qualifications and skills that will help you move onto the right programme/onto the right career pathway.

Available in a variety of formats (from flexible attendance to fully funded January-May courses to suit individual needs) Gateway to College Short Full Time is designed to develop the essential and soft skills you need to succeed in any career and at the same time lets you investigate different careers and discuss vocational interests so helping you be more informed about options open to you.

Successful candidates will have the option of applying for the vocational course of their choice in Session 19/20 or continue to develop confidence, social and soft skills and try out the vocational area they are interested in through a relevant Gateway course.

Want to know more? Then contact:

Course Leader, Access
01382 834911 ext 7724 / 07793 267967/ 

Course Leader, Access
01382 834911 ext 7217 / 07515 053567 / 

Please note that whilst every endeavour will be made to deliver this course in Gardyne, this is subject to many conditions and may result in all of the Dundee provision being based in Kingsway.