Commissioner Moscovici's introductory remarks at the Eurogroup press conference

Comme je l’ai indiqué en arrivant ce matin, nos discussions ont été tournées vers l’avenir – l’avenir du monde du travail, l’avenir de la zone euro. Ceci reflète le fait que nous sommes sortis de la gestion de crise et pouvons préparer l’avenir ensemble.

Je veux d’abord saluer l’initiative de Mario d’inviter à notre réunion ce matin le Président de la Commission des Affaires Economiques du Parlement Européen, Roberto Gualtieri. Je trouve que c’est un pas dans la direction de plus de transparence et d’ouverture de notre gouvernance, ce sont des points sur lesquels j’insiste depuis des années, qui doit passer par un rôle accru de la seule institution européenne directement élue par nos citoyens, le Parlement européen. De surcroit, les discussions ont été tout à fait enrichissantes et ont montré une large convergence de vues sur l’agenda que nous devons remplir pour réformer notre union économique et monétaire.

Nous avons aussi abordé ce matin avec le Professeur Christopher Pissarides une discussion sur l’un des plus importants défis des années à venir: les implications pour le monde du travail de la robotisation et l’intelligence artificielle.

Nous sommes déjà dans une phase d’inégalités croissantes – je considère d’ailleurs que ce phénomène est le facteur principal derrière la vague populiste qui secoue actuellement la politique européenne et d’ailleurs aussi la politique mondiale.

Il est donc essentiel que nous soyons à la hauteur de ce nouveau défi, qui risque de creuser encore plus l’écart entre gagnants et perdants dans nos sociétés.

Il n’y a pas de réponses faciles à ces questions, quoiqu’en disent les populistes. Mais ce qui me paraît clair, c’est que ces réponses ne pourront passer que par une meilleure éducation, une meilleure formation, ce qui exige à la fois des réformes intelligentes et des investissements bien ciblés. Ça a été le mérite de la présentation du Professeur Pissarides de montrer à la fois les formidables opportunités y compris en matière d’emploi mais aussi les exigences pour que ces opportunités soient saisies sans creuser les inégalités.

L’innovation ne peut et ne doit être freinée, mais il est tout de même essentiel que nous prenions des mesures appropriées pour aider ceux qui ne seront pas nécessairement et spontanément les gagnants de cette révolution. C’est ce que j’appelle les réformes structurelles de deuxième génération ! Celles qui enrichissent le capital humain car à côté du capital technologique et du capital physique, c’est le capital humain que nous devons encourager.

We had our first follow-up discussion this morning in expanded format following the June Euro Summit, which confirmed the December deadline for the next decisions to be taken to reform and strengthen the Economic and Monetary Union. Everybody agreed on the time table proposed by the President of the Eurogroup. I think this is wise to do so, we must deliver on each file, all together in order to present to the leaders a substantial package in December.

For the Commission, the priorities for action concern of course:

The Banking Union – meaning the backstop to the Single Resolution Fund, on which we had a detailed and useful discussion today and steps towards the European Deposit Insurance Scheme, which remains the third leg of the Banking Union without which it will not be complete; we insist on delivering on this.

The broad reform of the European Stability Mechanism with a view to its integration into the EU law but also the cooperation between our institutions, we are working with that.

and the package of economic initiatives presented within the context of the next Multiannual Financial Framework, notably the European Investment Stabilisation Function and the Reform Support Programme. This Commission is attached to the creation of a euro zone budget, and I think that this should be seriously considered, especially if we want to fight efficiently inequalities and give dynamism to the euro zone, which must not only be an area of stability but also an area of fairness and dynamism in the economy.

The Commission is fully committed to reach tangible results in time for the December Euro Summit and I welcome the clear roadmap that has been set for the time being now and then.

There is no time to lose to deliver on our proposals to create the conditions for a more stable, dynamic and inclusive economy of the euro area. The window of opportunity is still open but it is narrow on time because we got a few months to go, it is narrow because the difficulty to create a consensus must not be underestimated. So let’s seize the occasion and make sure we now deliver on these commitments, because they are important building blocks for a more sustainable economic and monetary union, which will ultimately benefit all our citizens.

Finally a last word about Portugal, to confirm the word of the President of the Eurogroup who is also the Finance Minister of Portugal, things are on the right track even if some reforms are still needed,they are also planned. the post programme surveillance insisted on growth and jobs, with a spectacular improvement in the unemployment sector which fell below the average to 6.8% in June and that’s what our euro zone is about, creating jobs in order to create perspective for the people.

Daily News 07 / 09 / 2018

State of the Union: President Juncker to deliver his 2018 Address next week

On Wednesday 12 September, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will deliver his fourth State of the Union Address in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The speech will begin at 9:00 CET and will be transmitted live on EbS in all EU languages. This year’s speech comes ahead of the 2019 European elections and in the context of the ongoing debate about the future of the European Union at 27. President Juncker will set out proposals that can deliver positive results for citizens ahead of the Sibiu Summit on 9 May 2019, paving the way for a wide-ranging debate in the run-up to the European elections. The State of the Union Address marks the start of the dialogue with the European Parliament and the Council to prepare the Commission’s annual Work Programme, in which the President and First Vice-President detail the actions that the European Commission intends to take by means of legislation and other initiatives, with a Letter of Intent to the President of the European Parliament and the Presidency of the Council. The State of the Union Address is followed by a plenary debate with Members of the European Parliament. More information on the State of the Union Address and President Juncker‘s preparations ahead of his speech on 12 September, is available in the press release here, in all EU languages. (For more information: Margaritis Schinas – Tel.: +32 229 60524; Mina Andreeva – Tel.: +32 229 91382; Alexander Winterstein – Tel.: +32 229 93265; Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229 67456)


Le plan Juncker soutient un prêt de 85 millions d’euros pour de nouveaux traitements des maladies rares et chroniques

La Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) et la société pharmaceutique Grifols, basée à Barcelone, ont signé aujourd’hui un prêt de 85 millions d’euros afin de soutenir les initiatives de recherche, de développement et d’innovation (RDI) de l’entreprise. Celles-ci ont pour objectif d’identifier de nouveaux traitements pour les maladies rares et les maladies chroniques. Cet accord a reçu le soutien du Fonds européen pour les investissements stratégiques (EFSI). C’est la troisième fois depuis 2015 que le plan Juncker apporte son concours aux activités de RDI de Grifols. Le commissaire européen en charge de la santé et de la sécurité alimentaire Vytenis Andriukaitis a déclaré: «Je suis heureux de voir que EFSI finance toujours plus d’investissements pour la R&D et l’innovation dans le secteur de la santé. Ce prêt présente au moins trois aspects bénéfiques: de nouvelles thérapies pour les patients atteints de maladies rares, un sérieux coup de pouce à la R&D et, enfin, un investissement dans des emplois hautement qualifiés.» (Un communiqué de presse complet est en ligne ici. Pour plus d’informations: Christian Spahr – Tél.: +32 229 50055; Siobhán Millbright – Tél.: +32 229 57361)


Cohesion Policy: over €300 billion of investment allocated to projects in EU Member States

The overall volume of investments allocated to projects in the real economy has gone up to €303 billion – an increase of €42 billion from end-2017 until June 2018, the most recent update of the ESIF Open Data Platform shows. The share of the Cohesion Policy budget devoted to specific projects over the 2014-2020 period is now amounting to 62% of the total planned budget, compared to 54% at the end of 2017. Spending on selected projects has also increased to 15% of the total planned investment over the period, with investments worth €75 billion already completed. Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu said: “The new data received from the Member States shows that Cohesion Policy implementation continues to speed up and to support economic growth everywhere in Europe.” Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain were the top performers in terms of increased selection of projects. The updated financial data is available on the ESIF Open Data Platform. (For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615, Andreana Stankova – Tel.: +32 229 57857)


Eurostat: Le PIB en hausse de 0,4% tant dans la zone euro que dans l’UE28 au deuxième trimestre 2018, soit +2,1% dans les deux zones par rapport au deuxième trimestre 2017

Au cours du deuxième trimestre 2018, le PIB corrigé des variations saisonnières a progressé de 0,4% tant dans la zone euro (ZE19) que dans l’UE28 par rapport au trimestre précédent, selon l’estimation publiée par Eurostat, l’office statistique de l’Union européenne. Au cours du premier trimestre 2018, le PIB avait également augmenté de 0,4% dans les deux zones. En comparaison avec le même trimestre de l’année précédente, le PIB corrigé des variations saisonnières s’est accru de 2,1% tant dans la zone euro que dans l’UE28 au deuxième trimestre 2018, après respectivement +2,4% et +2,3% au premier trimestre 2018. Au cours du deuxième trimestre 2018, le PIB des États-Unis a progressé de 1,0% par rapport au trimestre précédent (après +0,5% au premier trimestre 2018). Par rapport au même trimestre de l’année précédente, le PIB a progressé de 2,9% (après +2,6% au premier trimestre 2018). Un communiqué de presse Eurostat est à votre disposition en ligne. (Pour plus d’informations: Christian Spahr – Tél.: +32 229 50055; Annikky Lamp – Tél.: +32 229 56151)


Mergers: Commission clears Apple’s acquisition of Shazam

The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of Shazam by Apple. The Commission concluded that the merger would not adversely affect competition in the European Economic Area (EEA) or any substantial part of it. Today’s decision follows an in-depth investigation of Apple’s proposed acquisition of Shazam. Apple operates “Apple Music”, which is the second largest music streaming service in Europe, after Spotify. Shazam offers a leading music recognition application in the EEA and worldwide. Apple and Shazam mainly offer complementary services and do not compete with each other. The Commission concluded that the transaction would raise no competition concerns in the EEA or any substantial part of it. A merger decision does not release companies from respecting all relevant data protection laws. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “Data is key in the digital economy. We must therefore carefully review transactions which lead to the acquisition of important sets of data, including potentially commercially sensitive ones, to ensure they do not restrict competition. After thoroughly analysing Shazam’s user and music data, we found that their acquisition by Apple would not reduce competition in the digital music streaming market.” A full press release is available in EN, FR, DE. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Maria Tsoni – +32 229 90526)


Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Frutarom by IFF

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of Frutarom Industries Ltd. of Israel by International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (‘IFF’) of the US. Frutarom develops, produces, and markets taste and health products, including flavours, fine ingredients, pharmaceutical/nutraceutical products, and cosmetics and personal care products. IFF is active in the development, creation and sale of flavours and fragrances that are used in consumer goods industries. The Commission concluded that the proposed transaction would raise no competition concerns under any plausible market definition in Europe, given the moderate overlaps and vertical links between the companies’ activities, and the very limited increments in the levels of concentration brought about by the transaction. Moreover, after the transaction, a number of strong players would remain in the market. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.8981. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)



Vice-President Katainen in Vienna for ministerial meetings

Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, will be in Vienna, Austria 7-8 September. He will attend the informal ECOFIN Council to address questions related to the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the recently proposed InvestEU Programme. The Vice-President will attend the working breakfast of Finance Ministers belonging to the European People’s Party and meet bilaterally with Mr. Löger, Austrian Federal Minister of Finance, Mr. Teodorovici, Romanian Minister of Finance, and Mr Hoyer, President of the EIB. Furthermore, he will participate in a Citizens’ Dialogue on the future of Europe on Friday from 15:00 to 16:30 which will be livestreamed. (For more information: Christian Spahr – Tel.: +32 229 50055; Siobhán Millbright – Tel.: +32 229 57361)


Commissioners’ weekly activities

Upcoming events of the European Commission (ex-Top News)

State of the Union: President Juncker to deliver his 2018 Address next week


This year’s speech comes ahead of the 2019 European elections and in the context of the ongoing debate about the future of the European Union at 27. In last year’s speech, President Juncker outlined his vision for how the European Union could evolve by 2025 and presented a Roadmap for a ‘More United, Stronger and More Democratic Union‘. The speech was accompanied by concrete initiatives on trade, investment screening, cybersecurity, industry and data. Building on this, national leaders met in Tallinn, Estonia, and agreed on a Leaders’ Agenda – a list of the most pressing issues and challenges for which solutions should be found, ahead of the European Parliament elections in May 2019. On 9 May 2019, at a summit in Sibiu, Romania, national leaders are expected to mark the culmination of this process with a renewed commitment to an EU that delivers on the issues that really matter to people.

This year’s speech will again be accompanied by new proposals, putting words immediately into action. The President will set out proposals that can deliver positive results for citizens by the time of the Sibiu Summit, and pave the way for a wide-ranging debate in the run-up to the European elections.


The State of the Union Address marks the start of the dialogue with the European Parliament and the Council to prepare the Commission’s annual Work Programme. Anchored in the Treaty of Lisbon, the State of the Union Address is set out in the 2010 Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission, which requires the President and the First Vice-President to send a Letter of Intent to the President of the European Parliament and the Presidency of the Council detailing the actions the European Commission intends to take by means of legislation and other initiatives. The State of the Union Address is followed by a plenary debate with Members of the European Parliament. The first State of the Union Address was delivered in 2010 after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

President Juncker’s preparations for the State of the Union Address start in July. Input is gathered from across the Commission – the Commissioners, Cabinets, Directors General, and EU Ambassadors. President Juncker then holds a two day seminar with the College of Commissioners at the end of August to discuss the challenges and priorities for the year ahead. In drafting the speech, President Juncker also extensively consults outside the institution, talking to leaders across Europe and beyond, the Conference of Presidents and political groups in the European Parliament as well as Ambassadors to the EU and Permanent Representatives and leading European think tanks.

For more information

President Juncker’s previous State of the Union speeches

CALENDRIER du 10 septembre au 16 septembre 2018

(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 10 septembre 2018

10-13/09 European Parliament Plenary Session in Strasbourg

10/11-09 Informal meeting of health ministers, in Vienna, Austria

President Jean-Claude Juncker in Strasbourg, France (until 12/09): receives the leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament.

Mr Frans Timmermans in Strasbourg, France (until 12/09): receives Mr Josep Borrell, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain.

Mr Andrus Ansip receives Mr Vittorio Colao, CEO of Vodafone and Mr Nick Read, Group Chief Executive-Designate.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič in Portugal: meets Mr António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal; participates in a dialogue with the participants of the Model European Union (MEU) in the Parliament of Portugal.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Vittorio Colao, CEO of Vodafone.

Ms Cecilia Malmström receives Mr Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete receives Mr Luis Planas, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in Strasbourg, France: receives Mr Josep Borrell, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Luis Planas, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives Mr Miroslav Toman, Minister for Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Vienna, Austria: visits the St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute; participates in the Informal meeting of health ministers; and meets Ms Carmen Montón, Minister for Health, Consumption and Social Welfare of Spain.

M. Pierre Moscovici à Paris, France: rencontre M. Éric Lombard, Directeur-général du Groupe Caisse des Dépôts.

Mr Phil Hogan receives Mr Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland.

Mr Phil Hogan receives Mr Miroslav Toman, Minister for Agriculture of the Czech Republic.

Ms Violeta Bulc in Bled, Slovenia: participates in the Bled Strategic Forum, in the “State of the World” panel.

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska attends the celebration of the 27th Anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, Brussels.

Ms Vĕra Jourová in Strasbourg, France:delivers a speech at a European Consumer Centre France event on the occasion of 25 years of Franco-German cooperation; and meets Ms Katarina Barley, Minister for Justice and Consumer Protection of Germany.

Ms Margrethe Vestager delivers a speech “Getting the best out of technology” at the Centre for European Policy Studies breakfast event, in Brussels.

Mardi 11 septembre 2018

College meeting

European Parliament Plenary Session in Strasbourg

Informal meeting of health ministers, in Vienna, Austria

President Jean-Claude Juncker in Strasbourg, France: participates in a debate on the future of Europe in the Plenary of the European Parliament with Mr Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece.

Mr Frans Timmermans in Strasbourg, France: meets Ms Marijke van Hees, Chair of the Dutch Advisory Board on Regulatory Burden.

Mr Vytenis Andriukaitis in Vienna, Austria: participates in the Informal meeting of EU health ministers; meets Mr James O’Shaughnessy, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health of the United Kingdom; and Ms Sorina Pintea, Minister for Health of Romania.

Mr Phil Hogan in Strasbourg, France: presents the Protected Geographical Indication certificate for “Choucroute d’Alsace”.

Ms Mariya Gabriel in Strasbourg, France: participates in Media Policy Breakfast on the Copyright proposal at the European Parliament; and delivers a speech at the dinner concert organised by Friends of Music.

Mercredi 12 septembre 2018

European Parliament Plenary Session in Strasbourg

President Jean-Claude Juncker in Strasbourg, France:delivers his State of the Union Address in the European Parliament.

Mr Günther H. Oettinger in Strasbourg, France:meets members of the Finance Committee of the Parliament of Finland.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in San Francisco, the United States (until 14/09): participates in the Global Climate Action Summit.

Ms Marianne Thyssen in Strasbourg, France: attends the Opening of the Trilogue on Work Life Balance.

M. Pierre Moscovici en France (jusqu’au 13/09): à Strasbourg: rencontre les membres de la commission des finances du Parlement finlandais;à Paris: participe à la conférence de rentrée de la Conférence Olivaint à l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.

Mr Carlos Moedas in Vienna, Austria: delivers a keynote speech and hands over the Wittgenstein Award at the Wittgenstein Prize Ceremony Dinner.

Jeudi 13 septembre 2018

European Parliament Plenary Session in Strasbourg

Ms Federica Mogherini receives Ms Jane Holl Lute, United Nations Special Envoy on Cyprus.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in Kiev, Ukraine (until 14/09): takes part in the signing ceremony of the Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) programme; meets Mr Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine; Ms Oksana Markarova, Acting Minister of Finance of Ukraine; and participates in a panel organised by the Yalta European Strategy forum.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce of the United States.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives members of the Finance Committee of the Finnish Parliament.

Mr Günther H. Oettinger in Rome, Italy: meets Mr Luigi Di Maio, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Labour and Economic Development of Italy; Mr Paolo Savona, Minister for European Affairs; and Mr Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Minister for Foreign Affairs; visits the Italian Parliament and speaks with Mr Roberto Fico, President of the Chamber of Deputies; and participates in a hearing with the European Affairs and Budget Committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Italian Senate.

Ms Cecilia Malmström in Mar del Plata, Argentina (until 14/09): participates in the G20 Trade Ministerial Meeting.

Mr Neven Mimica receives Mr Denis Mukwege, Founder of the Panzi Hospital foundation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mr Neven Mimica receives Mr Juan Pablo de Laiglesia, State Secretary for International Cooperation and for Ibero-America and the Caribbean of Spain.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in San Francisco, the United States: participates in the Global Climate Action Summit.

Mr Karmenu Vella receives representatives of the European soft drinks industry (UNESDA).

Mr Karmenu Vella delivers a speech at the European Farmers (Copa) and European Agri-Cooperatives (Cogeca) Praesidia meeting, in Brussels.

Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos in Vienna, Austria (until 14/09): participates in the Security and Migration – Promoting Partnership and Resilience conference organised by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

M. Pierre Moscovici à Paris, France: participe à la conférence annuelle du Master affaires européennes de l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris à la Représentation de la Commission européenne.

Mr Christos Stylianides receives Mr Dominic Crowley, President of VOICE.

Mr Phil Hogan in Bucharest, Romania: meets Ms Viorica Dăncilă, Prime Minister of Romania; meets Mr Petre Daea, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania; delivers a speech at the Romanian Parliament; and meets stakeholders.

Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska in Riga, Latvia: takes part in the Single Market Forum.

Ms Věra Jourová in Prague, the Czech Republic: delivers a speech at the high-level conference “Future of the Transatlantic Bond“.

Mr Tibor Navracsics in Verona, Italy: participates in and delivers a speech at the “Tocati a Shared Heritage 2018 – International Festival of Traditional Sport and Games”.

Mr Tibor Navracsics in Ljubljana, Slovenia: holds a Citizens’ dialogue at the ‘Promotion of Active Citizenship of Young People for Increased Employment’ conference, organised by the Slovenian Government and Trade Union Youth Plus.

Ms Corina Creţu in Petroșani, Romania: participates in and delivers a speech at the high-level conference “Romanian coal regions in energy transition”.

Ms Margrethe Vestager in Athens, Greece: meets Mr Eucleid Tsakalotos, Minister for Finance of Greece; Mr Giannis Dragasakis, Vice-President of the Greek Government and Minister for the Economy; and Mr Stergios Pitsiorlas, Alternate Minister of Economy and Development; and addresses members of the Greek Parliament.

Mr Carlos Moedas in Austria: participates in a discussion with Mr Heinz Fassman, Minister for Education, Science and Research of Austria at the 4th International Conference on Research Infrastructure; and delivers a keynote speech at the opening of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)’s FORUM 2018, in Vienna.

Ms Mariya Gabriel in Strasbourg, France: participates in the first trilogue negotiation on the Cybersecurity Act, at the European Parliament.

Vendredi 14 septembre 2018

Informal meeting of (Development)

Ms Federica Mogherini chairs and Mr Neven Mimica and Mr Christos Stylianides participate in the Informal meeting of foreign affairs ministers on development cooperation, in Brussels.

Mr Andrus Ansip receives Mr Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce of the United States.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives Mr Michał Kurtyka, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Energy in Poland and Plenipotentiary for the Presidency of the Conference of the Parties (COP) 24 Summit.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives Mr Mate Rimac, founder of Rimac Automobili electric cars manufacturer.

Mr Jyrki Katainen receives Mr Stanislas de Gramont, President of the European soft drinks industry (UNESDA).

Mr Johannes Hahn in Casablanca, Morocco: on official visit.

Ms Cecilia Malmström in Mar del Plata, Argentina: participates in the G20 Trade Ministerial Meeting.

Mr Miguel Arias Cañete in San Francisco, the United States: participates in the Global Climate Action Summit.

Mr Karmenu Vella delivers a speech at the annual Seminar on Fisheries Science, in Brussels.

Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos and Mr Julian King in Vienna, Austria: participate in the Security and Migration – Promoting Partnership and Resilience conference organised by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Ms Marianne Thyssen attends the opening of the first meeting of the High-Level Group on Pensions, in Brussels.

Mr Phil Hogan and Ms Corina Crețu in Cluj-Napoca, Romania: participate in a Citizens’ dialogueon “A modern budget for a stronger Union” together with Mr Petre Daea, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania.

Ms Věra Jourová in Prague and Ostrava, Czech Republic: attends the meeting of the Committee on Social Policy of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament; delivers a speech at the NATO Days Event in Ostrava.

Ms Corina Creţu in Cluj-Napoca, Romania: visits an EU- funded project “DA Cattle Farm”.

Ms Margrethe Vestager in Nicosia, Cyprus: meets Mr Nicos Anastasiades, President of Cyprus; Mr George Lakkotrypis, Minister for Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Cyprus; and Mr Harris Georgiades, Minister for Finance.

Mr Carlos Moedas receives Mr Ambroise Fayolle, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Mr Carlos Moedas delivers a keynote speech at the opening of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Academic Year of Conferences, Brussels.

Ms Mariya Gabriel in Bulgaria: delivers an opening speech at a ceremony for the inauguration of a renovated computer hall of the computer school ‘Vale’ in Haskovo; and delivers a speech on the Digital Single Market strategy at the #DigiSME event in Sofia.

Samedi 15 septembre 2018

Ms Corina Creţu in Turda and Alba Iulia, Romania: meets Mr Cristian Octavian Matei, Mayor of the municipality of Turda; visits the EU-funded projects “Salina Turda” and “Alba Carolina”; meets Mr Mircea Hava, Mayor of Alba Iulia, Mr Dănuț-Emil Hălălai, Prefect of Alba County, Mr Ion Dumitrel, President of Alba County Council and Member of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), Mr Nicolaie Moldovan, City Manager of Alba Iulia.

Ms Margrethe Vestager in Nyborg Strand, Denmark: delivers a keynote speech at the yearly meeting of the Danish Social Liberal party.

Prévisons du mois de septembre:

17-18/09 Informal meeting of energy ministers, Linz, Austria

18/09 General Affairs Council                

20/09 Informal meeting of heads of state or government, Salzburg, Austria

23-25/09 Informal meeting of agriculture ministers, Vienna, Austria

27-28/09 Competitiveness Council

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 08 au 09 septembre 2018:

Carlos MARTIN RUIZ DE GORDEJUELA: +32 (0) 460 79 17 16

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél. : +32 (0)2/295 21 23


GDP and main aggregates estimate for the second quarter of 2018 – GDP up by 0.4% in both euro area and EU28 – +2.1% in both areas compared with the second quarter of 2017

Seasonally adjusted GDP rose by 0.4% in both the euro area (EA19) and the EU28 during the second quarter of 2018, compared with the previous quarter, according to an estimate published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In the first quarter of 2018, GDP had also grown by 0.4% in both areas.

Full text available on EUROSTAT website