Official Statistics: UK and England soil nutrient balances, 2019

Soil nutrient balances.

Corporate information: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs – Statistics at Defra

We publish national and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food, farming and biosecurity.

Transparency data: Defra: business appointment rules advice

This page summarises advice given under the business appointment rules to applicants at SCS2 and SCS1 level and equivalents.

Transparency data: Defra: business appointment rules advice

This page summarises advice given under the business appointment rules to applicants at SCS2 and SCS1 level and equivalents.

BGS release borehole information packs for the Glasgow Observatory

The British Geological Survey (BGS) is laying the foundations for future mine water heat energy research, releasing detailed information packs including drilling logs, borehole construction details and overview hydraulic test data from the new geoenergy observatory in Glasgow.