Press release: The Great Farm Challenge – Educating the next generation of farmers

Natural England in partnership with the Environment Agency, Defra and local water companies unveils this year’s champion young farmers

Press release: Sewage pollution leads to £200,000 restorative charity donation

Yorkshire Water offered a charity donation to resolve an investigation into a sewage pollution event at the Pissy Beds Drain near Hatfield Colliery

Press release: Isle of Axholme to benefit from £35m flood protection investment

The work to improve a pumping station will help protect 15,000 homes, plus habitat, businesses and infrastructure

Press release: Wreck of Dunkirk rescue boat removed from River Lark

It was removed by the Environment Agency as part of a ‘boat blitz’ on Anglian waterways to clear sunken, abandoned and illegal vessels

Press release: ‘No deal’ EU exit: Government issues reminder to waste industry

Waste industry should review contingency plans in case of disruption should the UK leaves the EU without a deal.