News story: Environment Agency announces new green legacy for £2.6bn flood and coastal risk management programme.

The Environment Agency has announced a set of new supplier arrangements and partnerships which will increase efficiency, value for money and the green legacy of its £2.6 billion capital investment programme.

Speech: Climate Change: Turning emergency into opportunity

Speech by Sir James Bevan, Whitehall and Industry Group, 16 April

News story: Stay safe this Easter in and around the Thames

Tips on how to enjoy the river without incident.

Press release: Company to pay £150k to charity following pollution incident

Following a pollution incident in summer 2015, a Stoke-on-Trent company has donated £150k to help restore a river.

News story: River Thames Scheme: Archaeological Surveys 2018

As part of the River Thames Scheme work to manage environmental impact, further archaeological surveys are being carried out this year.