FOI release: Pest controllers and costs to Defra since April 2013

Pest controllers and costs to Defra since April 2013.

FOI release: TSE infectivity of blood and blood products: Pages 1 to 35 of file 65397264

TSE infectivity of blood and blood products: Pages 1 to 35 of file 65397264

Official Statistics: Seasonal labour in horticulture for England

Results of the quarterly and end of year seasonal labour in horticulture survey which measures seasonal labour need and use.

National Statistics: Latest UK milk prices and composition of milk

Monthly UK averages of the farm-gate price and butterfat and protein content of milk delivered to dairies.

National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on UK milk prices and composition of milk, 2019

Previously published National Statistics notices on UK averages of the farm-gate price and composition of milk.