Form: Poultry (including game birds): registration rules and forms

How and when you must register as a poultry or game bird keeper and how to register voluntarily (if you keep birds, such as chickens, as pets)

Form: Apply to register temporary use of land to keep livestock

Apply for a Temporary Land Association (TLA) or temporary County Parish Holding Number (tCPH) to keep livestock on land temporarily.

Guidance: Veterinary medicine wholesale dealer’s authorisation (WDA)

How to legally run a business that deals with the wholesale of animal medicines (veterinary medicinal products) and the WDA Register.

CLOSED: Access to Employment – Liverpool City Region (OC22S21P1821)

Call to run a project to address the needs of unemployed people who have been especially impacted by COVID-19 with tailored, targeted one-to-one support and wrap-around services.

National Statistics: Latest UK egg statistics

Quarterly UK statistics about eggs.