Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund performance announced

     â€‹The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) announced today (October 28) that the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) had another year of steady performance in 2019-20, with a total revenue of $8.087 billion and a return rate on revenue at 6.2 per cent.
     The Acting Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services and General Manager of the EMSTF, Mr Pang Yiu-hung, said the EMSTF did its utmost to support the daily operation of client departments during the epidemic through the provision of comprehensive electrical and mechanical (E&M) engineering services.
     "As one of the Government's innovation facilitators, we continued to collaborate with start-ups, universities and research institutions through different channels, including the E&M InnoPortal, with the aim of facilitating innovation in Hong Kong's E&M sector," he said.
     The EMSTF Report was tabled in the Legislative Council today and uploaded to the EMSD website (www.emsd.gov.hk/en/rl/EMSTF_AR_1920) for public reference.