Distribution of anti-epidemic service bags in all phases completed successfully

     The Home Affairs Bureau today (April 14) announced that the distribution of anti-epidemic service bags in all phases has completed successfully.

     The packaging and distribution of the 3.5 million service bags was completed under the co-ordination of the Home Affairs Bureau and the Home Affairs Department, the leading of the 18 District Officers, and the co-operation of civil servants and over 17 000 volunteers from more than 350 organisations.

     The packaging work of the service bags was carried out from March 30 at 133 assembly points in the territory. As soon as the packaging work was finished on April 1 as scheduled, the Government immediately commenced the first phase of distribution on April 2. Thanks to the detailed arrangement and division of labour by the Home Affairs family, as well as the close liaison and co-operation among volunteer organisations, various government departments, property management companies of all sizes, the Heung Yee Kuk, the Rural Committees and others, nearly 3.1 million service bags were distributed to 2.7 million households across the territory within five days. This phase ended on April 6, two days ahead of the original seven-day plan.

     To plug the gaps, the 18 District Offices set up 89 distribution points across the territory during the second phase (April 7 to 13) to offer service bags to those who either did not receive the bags during the first phase, or need more for a big family. More than 280 000 service bags were given out at the distribution points. Taking into account the 3.1 million service bags distributed in the first phase, a total of about 3.38 million service bags were delivered throughout the operation.

     To assist the public to participate in the voluntary universal rapid test from April 8 to 10, rapid test kits were also distributed to those in need at the 89 distribution points on April 7. The opening hours of the distribution points were extended particularly on April 7 and 8 to facilitate the collection of more rapid test kits.

     The Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Jack Chan, said, "The successful distribution of anti-epidemic service bags in all phases would not have been possible without the support of civil servants from various bureaux and departments, as well as the active participation of district organisations and volunteers from various sectors. We all spared no effort in completing the task, fully demonstrating the spirit and capabilities of concerted co-operation between the Government and the community.

     "This mammoth project of service bags distribution enabled us to gain hands-on experience in establishing a mechanism to mobilise members of the community through grid-based management. It lays a firm foundation for the co-operation on large district-based projects between the Government and community in the future."

     Mr Chan expressed gratitude to members of the Legislative Council, the Hong Kong Community Anti-Coronavirus Link, the Anti-Coronavirus Link of 18 districts and the Hong Kong Volunteers Federation as well as other volunteers organisations, over 350 local organisations and non-governmental organisations, clansman organisations, charity groups, uniformed groups, youth organisations, religious groups and ethnic minorities' service organisations for their full support. He also expressed his appreciation to the schools and some other organisations that loaned venues to facilitate the operation.

     â€‹He said he is grateful to the country in particular for the care and support for compatriots in Hong Kong, and said he believes that, as long as the community is united with one heart to fight the epidemic, Hong Kong will definitely win this battle.