Debbie Abrahams response to concluding observations of the UN Committee on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Abrahams MP, Shadow Secretary of
for Work and Pensions
responded to the concluding observations by UN Committee on Rights of Persons
with Disabilities on the initial UK report, said:
“The UN Committee, in making such a high number of recommendations to a nation
state, has found that this Tory government is still failing sick and disabled
people. Their damning report highlights what many disabled people already
know to be true, that they are being forced to bear the brunt of
failed Tory austerity policies.  The Committee also expressed
concerns about future rights for disabled people after Brexit.

“This confirms what
Labour has been saying all along, that the lack of progress on all Convention
articles, including cruel changes to social security and the punitive
sanctions regime, are causing real misery for sick and disabled people. 
“Labour will transform our social security system in partnership with disabled
people to ensure that, like our NHS, it is there for us all in our time of
need.  The next Labour Government will incorporate the UN CRPD fully into
UK law and immediately reverse the PIP regulations, as called for by the UN.”
